Implementing Internal Gamification Processes

Every company wants its employees to be productive and to do the job correctly. The key to that is efficiency. Companies that add gamification to their workplace, especially for mundane tasks and processes, can make their employees’ workday go by much faster, which results in higher levels of productivity.

When the employees are engaged in what they’re doing, the odds of them finishing their daily tasks on time, or even earlier, are a lot higher. That’s why companies should be implementing gamification in their workplaces.

About 35% of employees across the US are actually engaged and active in their workplaces, which means the remaining 65% of workers aren’t engaged when they’re working.

If employees aren’t engaged in the workplace, it’s not always their fault. Sometimes company culture or management is to blame. That’s why business owners should be providing the best working conditions for their employees through the gamification of everyday tasks.

Reward Systems

One of the best ways to improve employee performance is through employee recognition. Most employees want to perform well in the workplace, but if they don’t feel that their performance makes a difference, they stop performing well. One way that companies can help recognize their employees is through reward systems and gamification.

According to studies, employees that are properly rewarded are more than two times more likely to accept business innovation. A great way for companies to implement gamification elements into everyday tasks is by having their employees accumulate points for completing those tasks. 

They can use the points for free snacks, time off, or extra break time.  The reason why this strategy works so well is that it doesn’t require a lot of intervention from the business itself, because when the employees complete their tasks, the rewards they get will accumulate on their own.


Onboarding is a very important part of the hiring process, as well as the customer acquisition process. In terms of onboarding employees, once a company has identified a qualified candidate by interviewing them, they are finally ready to be trained for the position. With proper onboarding processes for employees, companies can keep their employees engaged while they learn their new position.

This sets companies up for success by gradually teaching and training new hires about what they do and why they do it. Companies that don’t onboard employees correctly risk having those employees become frustrated, which can end up having a negative effect on other employees as well. 

Companies can use gamification to track and report the results of their employee training programs. This increases the odds of employees completing their training programs and successfully integrating with the existing employees who are already familiar with their jobs.

A great way to utilize a strategy is by implementing a training program performance sheet that can run a tally of the new hires’ scores on various onboarding tasks. Once a hire reaches a specific goal, they can move on to the next task or start practicing what they’ve just learned.

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