Integrated Marketing Campaigns

Integrated marketing campaigns involve the use of effective techniques that lead to more customer engagement and sales when deployed correctly. It enables brands and companies of all sizes to take advantage of the opportunities presented by technology. This is done by researching and knowing trends in the market and customer trends, embracing these observed trends, the deployment of a uniform promotion strategy for different media channels, and the unification of the brand’s messages and story across the channels.

The experience that customers have of a brand has to be the same regardless of the point of interaction with customers. A brand’s website, social media, and communication channels should have the same feel, communicate the same message, and create the same experience for customers of the brand. Its emphasis lies on the fact that customers explore different communication channels at different times of the day and brands have to go where the customers go.

Campaigns and advertisements are visible in the cities and spots that customers go to from the train station to their favorite news website to the streets. Brands that are most successful at integrated marketing are the ones that recognize all the different channels available to interact with customers and create specific campaigns for these platforms that customers visit. The key thing is for a brand’s campaigns to share the same fundamental message.

The integration of marketing and promotion efforts provides the benefit of making a brand differentiated from others because customers can instantly recognize the brand when they come across it.  This recognition is important to staying in the heads of customers as they’ll easily remember the brand’s message and so a relationship is created with customers as a result.

Virgo PR’s Integrated Marketing Campaign

Integrated marketing campaigns have become crucial to marketing efforts but they still need to be properly planned and executed to be effective. When done right, integrated marketing campaigns result in a unified message for customers, improved traffic and engagement, and more sales.

Below are some fundamental steps to create a successful integrated marketing campaign:

● The first step is to create a goal for the marketing campaign. At the end of the integrated marketing campaign, what is the brand looking to achieve?  What specific measures will be used to gauge success or failure?

● Next is deciding the brand’s unified message for customers and determining how this message adds value to customers

● An analysis of the available channels of communication follows, as well as scrutiny to determine the most effective media channels for communicating with customers, reaching wider audiences cheaply, and improving brand engagement

● How to communicate the brand’s unified promotional message to the company’s teams and ensuring that it remains consistent

● Finally comes research to determine the target audience and the channels they are most active on so the brand can emphasize engaging them there.

Integrated Marketing Communication has the effect of improving brand loyalty and engagement in the short term and also drives brand loyalty in the long term.