SEO Resources for Businesses

Companies that rank higher in search engine results pages than their competitors, and are more visible tend to directly impact their bottom lines in a positive way because they’ll be able to generate more organic website traffic, which means more sales. There are many different resources that companies can use to improve their search engine optimization efforts, which is both a good and bad thing. The biggest negative is the fact that it can be a bit difficult for companies to choose the right resources, tools, and platforms, however, it’s not always that difficult.

SEO audit

Companies can check their website and audit it in terms of search engine optimization efforts with various resources to check the keywords that the company is using, the keyword density, and more. Some of the most popular auditing tools tend to be free these days, however, they have some additional features that cost money. The most popular SEO audit platforms include SEMRush, the Google Search Console, and Screaming Frog. Companies can use each one of these platforms to analyze their websites in terms of search engine optimization efforts, figure out how they can improve their efforts, and ultimately increase their ranking on search engine results pages.

Link audit

Companies can also utilize various tools to audit the quantity of backlinks that they have generated. Backlinks are what can help companies rank their websites higher by providing them with more credibility and authority and since they have such a direct influence on the ranking, it’s important for companies to keep track of all of the backlinks that they have generated. Some of the tools that companies can use to analyze and audit their backlinks include Ahref, and Backlink Watch.  Both of these platforms are used to search the entire Internet for backlinks to a website that has recently launched, creating a list of all those links, showing the type of link, the anchor texts used to link to the company’s website, and sometimes the spam score of the original website as well. There are other platforms that companies can use that conduct a more thorough link audit, as well as a detailed report on all of the market competitors of the company and its website.


Finally, companies can rely on platforms for figuring out keywords, and how they should be used, as well as any semantic synonyms and alternatives companies can use in the content on their website to improve the rankings. Some of the most popular keyword discovery platforms include KWfinder, and Google Adwords. Both of these platforms have a very large selection of keywords companies can use for their search engine optimization efforts, and even for their advertising campaigns, and are very cost-effective, which can be beneficial for many companies.

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