Dr. Dabber

Case Studies.Dr. Dabber


As the eRig originator, Dr. Dabber is a technology driven vaporizer company that offers an entire line of award-winning vaporizers to suit every situation. Since the company’s inception in 2013, Dr. Dabber has worked tirelessly to develop and create the coolest, most innovative vape pens and electric dab rigs on earth. By creating products that are custom tailored to their customers’ needs, the company set out with a goal to create a better quality vaporizer, built out of the best materials and backed by an unmatched customer support team.


Having key media relationships across technology, design and innovation publications, Virgo was tasked with executing the company’s most recent product launch to secure innovation-centric press coverage, favorable product reviews, and cannabis gift guide roundups for Dr. Dabber’s smallest and most portable mini eRig yet, the Dr. Dabber XS. 

Virgo worked closely with the team to identify top media targets and ship editors, product reviewers and journalists test units so they could try out the XS for themselves. The team also strategized to support the launch with new company and innovation-focused messaging, in addition to creating all press materials, media assets and visuals for the public launch of the XS in November 2022. 

Key focuses of the campaign and product launch were top-tier product reviews, inclusion in Holiday 2022 Gift Guides and technology-focused product roundups.



This campaign led to successful media placements in top consumer, tech and cannabis outlets, which raised awareness of Dr. Dabber across mainstream media. 

Virgo’s PR efforts  also contributed to Dr. Dabber selling out of thousands of XS units, positioning the new vaporizer as a “hot commodity.” The campaign also further positioned Dr. Dabber as an industry-leading, innovative eRig and vaporizer company outpacing other brands on quality, ease of use and design.

Key media profiles, product reviews, and roundups were secured in Forbes, GeekSpin, Daily Dot, Heavy.com, Leafly, Herb and more.

Our Services


Integrated Marketing

Through our integrated marketing campaigns, the brand will receive a detailed and unified growth strategy that meets its own short and long-term goals and ideas.


Public Rеlations

At Virgo PR, the team of PR experts understands what stories matter and attract the right attention, as well as how to keep brands ahead of the curve and at the front of people’s minds.

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

Having any sort of campaign entails a lot of planning, strategy, focus, and direction - all things that clients get when working with Virgo PR.